Official Suicide Squad picture


The official picture for suicide squad has been dropped by Geoff Johns on Twitter, and it has been most positive to mixed in reactions.

This picture included Slipknot, Katana, Enchantress, Captain Boomerang, Harley Quinn, Rick Flag, Deadshot, Killer Croc and El Diablo.

The squad has that dark DC cinematic look, and my favourite look surprisingly is Will Smith’s Deadshot which David Ayer tweeted out later on

He has that classic Deadshot look with an edge by changing the placement of the eye thing (my mind couldn’t recall what it was called) and changing the classic costume a tad, it added something new that can even satisfy the hardcore fanboy.
I have no doubt about Will Smith’s talent so fingers cross writing and direction will do him justice.

The most mixed reactions has been of Margot Robbie’s Harley Quinn. This has been mainly coming from the minority comic book fans who believed she should’ve had the classic Harley look with the red and black.

To me Harley has always been extravagant and flamboyant in her outfits so I was actually ok with this different iteration of her outfit. She has been depicted differently through out her 20+ years, and this can just be another look to add to that collection.

Overall I feel they have a cool look, but I will wait till I see a trailer and then the film to get an idea of how they will be portrayed.

Spiderman to join Marvel Studios


I was getting ready to head of to work and I decided to check my instagram, only to be bombarded with this headline “SPIDEY JOINING MARVEL STUDIOS!!”.
I first thought it was a joke, because why in the world would Sony give up the moneymaker. Then I checked and it was legitimate.

So what does this mean for Sony studios?